Energy the world needs

Wind turbine technology has evolved dramatically in recent years.

Wind turbines do not produce gases that are harmful to the environment.

Wind turbines have become huge multi-megawatt wind giants.
Welcome to Wind Power Plus
On this website you will find everything about wind energy. You will be able to read articles about wind resources, aerodynamics of wind turbines, electrical and electronic system, control, wind farms and their integration to the electrical system. In addition to the use of programs to perform simulations of the Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS).
Wind Energy: The force of the wind
Wind energy has been used since ancient times, from the Phoenicians, Egyptians and Chinese to the present day. It has evolved from vertical axis machines for grinding grain and pumping water to horizontal axis machines for producing electrical energy. In 1887, American inventor Charles F. Brush built the first multi-blade wind turbine. Sometime later, in 1899, Danish physicist Poul la Cour managed to improve the performance of the wind turbine by realizing that reducing the number of rotor blades increased electricity production. From then on, wind turbines continued to evolve, increasing in both height and blade diameter. From the first 1.25 MW wind turbine installed in 1941, to today’s 12 MW wind turbines and 17 MW prototypes for offshore installation. Undoubtedly, wind energy will be the key renewable energy source for the transition to a modern, sustainable and zero carbon energy system.

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